GLT Governors’ Conference

It was fantastic to spend the day in Reading with our governors last week.
Thank you to those who attended for their time and contributions.
Greenshaw Learning Trust is blessed with high calibre school governors driven by a common purpose, which is to make a positive difference to the lives and outcomes of the children in their school(s). We couldn't ask for a better answer to that question. That is what motivates them to attend meetings, visit schools and challenge progress against the school improvement plan, just as it motivates Greenshaw staff and trustees. We're very grateful for the work they fit in alongside busy family lives and jobs.
It was clear from multiple interventions that the trust's Head of Governance, Patrick Cummings, and his colleagues in the governance team have successfully filled vacancies on local governing bodies with dedicated, capable people, who feel comfortable voicing their concerns as well as celebrating success. One such concern was the anonymity of the board of trustees. Governors receive minutes of board meetings but the board itself is unfamiliar. We hope plans to regionalise our work as trustees are one way of bridging that unwanted gap.
Anne Spackman, Chair of the Board of Trustees