Unique Voice educational day at Woodlands

On Wednesday 13th March, Woodlands Primary School took part in a Unique Voice educational day run by South Gloucestershire Council.
It included a creative assembly showing a recently made film by Unique Voice and Crimestoppers on what happens when belonging makes us feel negative and unsafe, followed by a workshop experience facilitated by Unique Voice presenting further coverage and exploration on more positive forms of belonging and key signposting for young people.
Mrs Brown (Year 6 teacher and UKS2 Lead) explained why the school jumped at the chance to take part in this learning experience day.
"We are a very inclusive school and have a culture of ‘belonging’. Our children are very informed about making everyone feel safe and happy in school. However, we understand that from time to time, children can be influenced negatively by others and sometimes are led to make the wrong choices. Therefore, we want to ensure that children know who to turn to if this ever happens and how to anonymously report incidents that may occur so that they can be confident young people within the community."
The visit served as a catalyst for meaningful conversations and personal growth. By addressing the subject of belonging in a creative and engaging manner, students were empowered to make informed choices and discussed how to seek appropriate support when needed. The collaboration between the school and Unique Voice exemplified the importance of community partnerships in nurturing a sense of belonging and fostering positive development amongst our young people. The children thoroughly enjoyed the day and came away with some very positive and informative experiences.
"We did an assembly with Unique Voice and they told us about Crimestoppers. I learnt about how if you are in a group at school, if they tell you to do something you don’t want to, you should say no and tell a trusted adult. I enjoyed the tasks and working in groups." –Ameira, Year 5
"We learned about how to stay safe with friends and what to do when we have a hard decision to make. I enjoyed that we could make our own freeze frames of something we really like as a group together. We also did some about sadness and how it makes you feel and what to do if you feel sad."
– Caleb, Year 5
"I really enjoyed learning about safety and Crimestoppers. I enjoyed doing freeze frames the most and it made me feel welcome to talk about stuff that bothers you and how you can stop it. Everybody was able to say something, and we did activities where you could write down where your happy place is. It was fun and interesting to learn about these things." – Leah, Year 6
"I really enjoyed the workshop because there were many activities that we all got to participate in. I was able to learn how to stay safe in dangerous situations. Overall, it was a really enjoyable day."
– Imogen Year 6
The Unique Voice delivery team, Nick and Rosy, said: "We had a fantastic day at Woodlands. All the Year 5 and 6 children were very enthusiastic and worked very hard in our sessions."
Rachel Dean, Headteacher