Crown Wood children 'Dare to Dream'!

Children from the primary school in Bracknell are enjoying cross country this term.
Cross country club is very popular at Crown Wood Primary School. Every year, the children from Years 3 to 6 regularly practise their running in the club, which takes part in all weathers. The children play a range of games and tackle the 300m course around the school field – which can get very muddy.
The highlight of the autumn term is the annual Bracknell Cross Country Tournament. The tournament took place this year on Friday 10th November. Primary and secondary school children took part in the tournament, with the final race being the Boys A team. By the time six races have taken place, it is very muddy!
There is a lot of competition for places in the three teams who take part: Girls A and Boys A and B. The children had a lot of fun, running through mud, boggy puddles, avoiding tree roots in the woods and climbing the hill at the end. Every child finished with a smile on their face and an eagerness to take part again next year.
A new tradition was born last year with the appearance of Bob the chair, where the finishing runner was able to sit and rest until the next runner came in. There may have been a treat to enjoy as well!
The children are chosen for their commitment to the club and a willingness to have a go. They definitely lived the Crown Wood 'Dare to Dream' principles.
Susan Thomas, Deputy Headteacher