GLT Secondary Programme Pathways 2023-24 are launched

Colleagues from across GLT will undertake training courses centrally.
We have had a superb launch to our GLT Programme Pathways for 2023-24. Over 70 colleagues from across our family of secondary schools have chosen to embark on training courses we offer centrally, led by a range of knowledgeable senior leaders across GLT and beyond.
Current training courses include:
- Early Career Teachers Year 1
- Early Career Teachers Year 2
- Good to Great Programme
- Lead Practitioner Designate Programme
- Developing Headteacher Programme
The spring will see the launch of two new leadership development programmes too.
We also have nine GLT Leadership Networks in action with a focus on various areas such as teaching and learning, curriculum, behaviour, safeguarding, raising standards, attendance, sixth form and beyond, led by members of the secondary school improvement team. These formal networks have been established to support senior leaders in our schools leading on each of the key remit areas, with over 115 colleagues taking part, and have started with a bang!
Our GLT subject networks, designed to support heads of subject, started again in early October. Over 160 colleagues will come together in thirteen subject network meetings to hear crucial curriculum updates, share best practice in their discipline, and discuss common topics together.
This scale of collaboration is really exciting and only possible through the wealth of expertise and energy we have amongst leaders across our organisation.
Josie Mingay, Senior School Improvement Lead