#GLTBookClub's Dave Tushingham and Rhiannon Rainbow publish their first book.
The GLT & Friends Book Club, led by Rhiannon Rainbow and Dave Tushingham, offers teachers and colleagues the opportunity to discuss ideas and concepts in prominent educational books with the authors themselves. Within the hour session, they gain unique insight, advice for implementing concepts and strategies, and have the chance to ask questions directly to the author.
We are very excited to announce the publication of their first book – The Edu-Book Club: Making CPD Resources Work in the Classroom Hardcover – which will be available on 18 December 2023. Written by #GLTBookClub's Dave Tushingham and Rhiannon Rainbow, The Edu Book Club will help teachers and school leaders navigate the wealth of evidence-based CPD by bringing together key publications on teaching, assessment, and curriculum.
You can find out more here.
The GLT & Friends platform, where you can find all recordings and linked resources, can be accessed here.
Bonus resources mentioned or linked to the GLT Book Club:
- Series 5 episode 7 is out now: https://pod.fo/e/1df193 we talk all things CPD book clubs. #pagepracticepodcast
- How to use the GLT Book Club and how to set up your own by Justin Welford (@activityavenue) Book Club.pptx
- September 2022 - Schools Week feature on GLT - Greenshaw Learning TrustCPD for free: Meet the open source academy trust
- GLT Newsletter - The birth of the GLT Book Club
- A live stream with Anne Watson and Atul Rana (@atulrana, #MathsChatLive), with over 2100 views on twitter, and other platforms.
- Deepika Narula Blog: Books have been my CPD this year (she mentions #GLTBookClub).
- Taking control by Deepike Narula - references GLTBookClub 'Talking About Oracy' session with Sarah Davies.
- Craig Barton and Jo Morgan: Conference Takeaways: Mathematical Association Conference 2021 – Day 3.
- GLT Book Club is Highly Commended in Jo Morgan's Resourceaholic CPD Award for 2021
- Kat Howard's blog - Beware the promise of perfection
- Zoe Enser - What’s in a name? – Teaching it Real.
- Kat Howard's Collaborative Work page.
- Joe Kirby Staff Culture Treasure Troves.
- Joe Kirby Curriculum Treasure Troves.
- GLTBookClub blogpost shared in CompleteMaths newsletter.
- Conferences online and in-person, including the Mathematical Association's 150th Anniversary Conference in 2021 (#IWD2021) and The National Annual ResearchED Conference, Sept 2021.
- Dave T Blog: Linking Literature to professional Development.
- Dave T Blog: CPD - Give and Take.
- Dave T Blog: #GLTBookClub.
- Dave T Blog: Modelling Secondary Mathematics for Understanding.
- Dave T Blog: True impact, or not too much impact, this is a question?
- Dave T Blog: Teach Like a Champion- What’s the same? What’s different?
- Toria Bono's Tiny Voices Talk, Chapter 35: The First Rule of Book Club, discussed in the GLTBookClub session here.
- Why run a pedagogical book club? published in the Primary MA Journal (May 2022).
- Dave Anne Watson book review for MA Equals
- Were Contributors in the MA Recent Publication If I Could Tell You Another Thing: A further collection of advice and pedagogical insights from mathematics teachers
- Greg Ashman's Video of the Week
- ASCL Leading On | Running an Education Book Club
- TT Radio - Drive Home with Kyle Graham, Dave & Rhi
- TT Radio - Drive Home with Seb Ventura and Rhi talking CPD & Book Club
- Dorian Brown TTRadio - pre-record for GLTBookClub
- #MathsChatLive, Dave T & Rhi with Atul Rana
- #MathsCurriculumConversation 2 'Why is division so hard?'
- #MathsCurriculumConversation 3 'What does mean mean?'
- #MathsChatLive - Manipulatives
- #MathsChatLive - #MathsConf26
- #MathsChatLive with Mark McCourt (Rhi and others)
- #MathsChatLive - #MathsConf28 - Rhi & Dave T
We have also contributed our reflections to these Page to Practice podcasts:
- Series Two - Episode 9 - Teaching in the Online Classroom - Doug Lemov
- Series 2 - Episode 10 - How Learning Happens by Paul Kirchner and Carl Hendrick
- From Page to Practice - Sarah Davies: Talking About Oracy
- From Page to Practice - Alex Quigley, Closing the Reading Gap
- From Page to Practice - Bennie Kara: A Little Guide to: Diversity in Schools
- From Page to Practice - Haili Hughes, Mentoring in Schools
- From Page to Practice - The CPD Curriculum, Zoe & Mark Enser
- From Page to Practice Series 3 - Episode 7 - Teach to the Top by Megan Mansworth
- From Page to Practice - Chartered College: Impact, issue 14
- From Page to Practice - Revision Revolution, Helen Howell with Ross Morrison McGill
- From Page to Practice - The Complete Guide to Pastoral Leadership, Amy May Forrester
- From Page to Practice - The Revision Revolution, Helen Howell & Ross Morrison McGill
- From Page to Practice - Naylor's Natters, Phil Naylor
- From Page to Practice - The Behaviour Manual, Sam Strickland
- From Page to Practice - The Pick 'n' Mix Penultimate Episode - What Every Teacher Should Know, Jade Pearce