GLT Primary Conference

Primary colleagues from across the Trust gathered at the recent conference.
Over 500 primary colleagues from across the Greenshaw Learning Trust (GLT) came together for the GLT 'Connecting the Unconnected' conference, which focused on developing curriculum to apply our Greenshaw principles for teaching more effectively.
Alongside the main sessions, there was a variety of breakouts targeted for behaviour leaders, subject leaders, support staff, early years staff, resource base teams, and ECTs.
We were thrilled that so many members of staff enjoyed the experience. Some of the feedback comments that were received can be found below:
- "I would like to thank everyone who organised the event. It was one of the most positive INSET days I have attended in 27+ years of teaching."
- "The whole day from start to finish was so inspiring. Getting to talk to others in the same job role and learn new tactics to use back in the classroom was so valuable."
- "Being able to all sit together, learn the GLT ethos, and feel part of the wider family was so beneficial."
- "I really enjoyed having the opportunity to connect with other people in the same role as myself and hearing their experiences. It also felt really good to see how large the network of primary staff is within GLT."