Sutton New Secondary School will not go ahead

The DfE has cancelled the Sutton new secondary school.
The Department for Education has cancelled the Sutton new secondary school (Sutton Free School 1) planned to be built at Rosehill. Following a review of the needed school places, the Department for Education and Sutton Council have concluded that the demand can be sufficiently met by utilising existing schools in Sutton without the need to open the eight form entry secondary school.
The approved school building was due to be shared with the new ASD secondary school (Sutton Free School 2). There continues to be a clear and demonstrable need for the SEN secondary provision and the Department for Education has confirmed its support for Sutton Free School 2. Due to the redesign of the school building there will be a further delay due to the necessary resubmission of a revised planning application.
Will Smith, CEO of the Greenshaw Learning Trust, commented: “We are very disappointed that the young people of Sutton will not be able to experience the excellent facilities and learning opportunities planned for the new secondary school. We are committed to opening the ASD secondary school as soon as possible in Rosehill and will continue to work with the Department for Education and Sutton Council to deliver this essential provision.”