Sir John Hunt Community Sports College proposes to join the Trust

The Governing Body is proposing that the school should become an academy and join the Trust.
The Governing Body of Sir John Hunt Community Sports College in Plymouth, is proposing that the school should become an academy and join the Greenshaw Learning Trust.
The governors and school leaders have been carefully considering the future of Sir John Hunt Community Sports College and exploring different partnerships that will support continued school improvement. They concluded that it would be in the best interests of the students, staff and the wider community to take advantage of the closer collaboration and stronger support it would get by being part of a multi-academy trust; and, having evaluated the options, that it should join the Greenshaw Learning Trust.
John Bale, Chair of Governors, said: “We are confident that joining the Greenshaw Learning Trust is the best way to ensure that Sir John Hunt Community Sports College continues to thrive in our local community and in the current educational climate. Joining the Greenshaw Learning Trust will ensure that the school receives the support to accelerate improvements in standards of teaching, learning and student outcomes.”
Anne Spackman, Chair of the Greenshaw Learning Trust, said: “We are delighted that Sir John Hunt Community Sports College wants to join the Greenshaw Learning Trust. As part of the Greenshaw family of schools, the school will benefit from and contribute to a close collaboration of like-minded schools, while retaining its character and its place at the heart of the local community. We look forward to working with the school community to continue the school’s improvement journey to inspire, support and provide the best start in life to all its students and become the local school of choice in which to work and learn.”
Subject to the necessary agreements being reached between the school, the Greenshaw Learning Trust, the Department for Education and Plymouth City Council, it is expected that Sir John Hunt Community Sports College will join the Greenshaw Learning Trust on 1 September 2021.
The Governing Body’s decision for Sir John Hunt Community Sports College to become an academy means there will be a need for the school to defederate from Whitleigh Community Primary School. Whitleigh Community Primary School will continue to be a Local Authority maintained school and the schools will continue to work closely together on joint strategies and shared facilities.
There is further information about the proposal here.